
Tips for property division in a Kenosha divorce

There are several things that crop up during a divorce. While your divorce is a testing time for various reasons, it is also a legal process, which will have an impact on many things, including family dynamics. If you have decided to file for divorce in Kenosha, you should know that Wisconsin allows for uncontested divorces on the simple ground that your marriage is irretrievably broken. Before you take the first big step, consider meeting one of Kenosha divorce lawyers to understand the process better. Among the many areas of conflict, property division is often the most complicated one. In this post, we are sharing key details and tips for property division in a Kenosha divorce.

Make an evaluation

Before the actual negotiation starts with your spouse, you need to know what marital assets you own, whether you had brought something with you when the marriage happened, and if you have inherited wealth from your family. Evaluation should be based on the current market values and not on what you bought something for. When we are talking of property, we are not merely referring to real estate but also your pension and assets that don’t always have a direct value. Talk to your lawyer to know how you can deal with property valuation.

Have a goal on your mind

Negotiations should only start when you know what you want to achieve as you discuss things with your spouse. Your divorce can become more complicated when both sides have no clear goals. Instead of understanding what your spouse wants to offer, you need to figure out what you want from the property division. If you don’t understand your rights, let your lawyer be the guiding force.

Be flexible

While you want specific things from the divorce, don’t let that be the only thing on your mind. Being adamant about divorce is never a wise idea, especially regarding assets and debts. You need to be flexible in your approach, which doesn’t necessarily mean compromising your rights. You may win some, but you will also lose a few battles along the way, which is not bad as long as you get your rightful share of the marital assets.

Finally, do not hide assets. If you think you can get away with keeping assets under cover, you are wrong, as your spouse and their lawyer will try every possible way of knowing what you own.